

Bill of Materials Best Practices: Practical Tips for Manufacturers

Each manufacturer has its own unique production process, and production is reliant on your Bill of Materials (BOM). An accurate and well-managed BOM can increase sales revenue through faster product releases and lower product costs. 

However, a poorly managed BOM can lead to a higher Cost of Goods Sold or loss of revenue due to:

  • inaccurate part information
  • excess or inadequate inventory
  • quality issues
  • longer time to market
  • poor collaboration between suppliers, vendors and contract manufacturers

As such, manufacturers looking to run lean must be able to change quickly in order to remain competitive.

Watch this webinar as we:

  • Identify common errors resulting in poor BOM management
  • Discuss the key success factors for establishing and maintaining accurate BOM
  • Explore the ways technology can better manage BOM

Whether you are setting up BOM for the first time or you’d like to further improve your production process, this webinar will explain how you can streamline your BOM management process so you can focus more on the time to market for your end products.